
0.10.1 (2012-04-26)
In browsers:

A collection of assertions to be used with a unit testing framework. buster-assertions works well with any CommonJS compliant testing framework out of the box, and can easily be configured to work with most any testing framework. See also Expectations if you like the alternative API (expect(thing).toBe*).

buster-assertions contains lots of assertions. We strongly believe that high-level assertions are essential in the interest of producing clear and intent-revealing tests, and they also give you to-the-point failure messages.

Assertions and refutations

Unlike most assertion libraries, buster-assertion does not have assert.notXyz assertions to refute some fact. Instead, it has refutations, heavily inspired by Ruby’s minitest:

var assert = buster.assertions.assert;
var refute = buster.assertions.refute;

assert.equals(42, 42);
refute.equals(42, 43);

Refutations help express “assert not ...” style verification in a much clearer way. It also brings with it a nice consistency in that any assert.xyz always has a corresponding refute.xyz that does the opposite check.

assert(actual[, message]);

Fails if actual is falsy (0, "", null, undefined, NaN). Fails with either the provided message or “Expected null to be truthy”. This behavior differs from all other assertions, which prepend the optional message argument.

assert({ not: "Falsy" }, "This will pass");
assert(null, "This will fail"); // Fails with custom message
assert(null); // Fails
assert(34);   // Passes
refute(actual[, message])

Fails if actual is truthy. Fails with either the provided message or “Expected null to be falsy”. This behavior differs from all other refutations, which prepend the optional message argument.

refute({ not: "Falsy" }, "This will fail"); // Fails with custom message
refute(null, "This will pass");
refute(null); // Passes
refute(34);   // Fails

Predefined Assertions

The following assertions can be used with assert and refute. They are described for assert, but the corresponding failure messages for refute are also mentioned. For refute the behaviour is exactly opposed.

All assertions support an optional message argument, which is prepended to the failure message.


assert.same(actual, expected[, message])

Fails if actual is not the same object (===) as expected. To compare similar objects, such as { name: "Chris", id: 42 } and { id: 42, name: "Chris" } (not the same instance), see equals().

var obj = { id: 42, name: "Chris" };
assert.same(obj, obj);                       // Passes
assert.same(obj, { id: 42, name: "Chris" }); // Fails


assert.same.message = "${0} expected to be the same object as ${1}";
refute.same.message = "${0} expected not to be the same object as ${1}";
The actual object
The expected object
assert.equals(actual, expected[, message])

Compares actual to expected property by property. If the property count does not match, or if any of actual‘s properties does not match the corresponding property in expected, the assertion fails. Object properties are verified recursively.

If actual is null or undefined, an exact match is required. Date objects are compared by their getTime method. Regular expressions are compared by their string representations. Primitives are compared using ==, i.e., with coercion.

equals passes when comparing an arguments object to an array if the both contain the same elements.

assert.equals({ name: "Professor Chaos" }, { name: "Professor Chaos" }); // Passes
assert.equals({ name: "Professor Chaos" }, { name: "Dr Evil" });         // Fails


assert.equals.message = "${0} expected to be equal to ${1}";
refute.equals.message = "${0} expected not to be equal to ${1}";
The actual object
The expected object
assert.greater(actual, expected[, message])

Fails if actual is equal to or less than expected.

assert.greater(2, 1); // Passes
assert.greater(1, 1); // Fails
assert.greater(1, 2); // Fails


assert.greater.message = "Expected ${0} to be greater than ${1}";
refute.greater.message = "Expected ${0} to be less than or equal to ${1}";
The actual object
The expected object
assert.less(actual, expected[, message])

Fails if actual is equal to or greater than expected.

assert.less(1, 2); // Passes
assert.less(1, 1); // Fails
assert.less(2, 1); // Fails


assert.less.message = "Expected ${0} to be less than ${1}";
refute.less.message = "Expected ${0} to be greater than or equal to ${1}";
The actual object
The expected object
assert.defined(object[, message])

Fails if object is undefined.

var a;
assert.defined({});  // Passes
assert.defined(a); // Fails


assert.defined.message = "Expected to be defined";
refute.defined.message = "typeof ${0} (${1}) expected to be undefined";
The actual object
typeof object
assert.isNull(object[, message])

Fails if object is not null.

assert.isNull(null, "This will pass");
assert.isNull({}, "This will fail");
assert.isNull(null); // Passes
assert.isNull({});   // Fails


assert.isNull.message = "Expected ${0} to be null";
refute.isNull.message = "Expected not to be null";
The actual object
assert.match(actual, matcher[, message])

Fails if matcher is not a partial match for actual. Accepts a wide range of input combinations. Note that assert.match is not symmetric - in some cases assert.match(a, b) may pass while assert.match(b, a) fails.

String matcher

In its simplest form, assert.match performs a case insensitive substring match. When the matcher is a string, the actual object is converted to a string, and the assertion passes if actual is a case-insensitive substring of expected as a string.

assert.match("Give me something", "Give");                           // Passes
assert.match("Give me something", "sumptn");                         // Fails
assert.match({ toString: function () { return "yeah"; } }, "Yeah!"); // Passes

The last example is not symmetric. When the matcher is a string, the actual value is coerced to a string - in this case using toString. Changing the order of the arguments would cause the matcher to be an object, in which case different rules apply (see below).

Boolean matcher

Performs a strict (i.e. ===) match with the object. So, only true matches true, and only false matches false.

Regular expression matcher

When the matcher is a regular expression, the assertion will pass if expected.test(actual) is true. assert.match is written in a generic way, so any object with a test method will be used as a matcher this way.

assert.match("Give me something", /^[a-z\s]$/i); // Passes
assert.match("Give me something", /[0-9]/); // Fails
assert.match({ toString: function () { return "yeah!"; } }, /yeah/); // Passes
assert.match(234, /[a-z]/); // Fails

Number matcher

When the matcher is a number, the assertion will pass if matcher == actual.

assert.match("123", 123); // Passes
assert.match("Give me something", 425); // Fails
assert.match({ toString: function () { return "42"; } }, 42); // Passes
assert.match(234, 1234); // Fails

Function matcher

When the matcher is a function, it is called with actual as its only argument. The assertion will pass if the function returns true. A strict match is performed against the return value, so a boolean true is required, truthy is not enough.

// Passes
assert.match("123", function (exp) {
    return exp == "123";

// Fails
assert.match("Give me something", function () {
    return "ok";

// Passes
    toString: function () {
        return "42";
}, function () { return true; });

// Fails
assert.match(234, function () {});

Object matcher

As mentioned above, if an object matcher defines a test method the assertion will pass if matcher.test(actual) returns truthy. If the object does not have a test method, a recursive match is performed. If all properties of matcher matches corresponding properties in actual, the assertion passes. Note that the object matcher does not care if the number of properties in the two objects are the same - only if all properties in the matcher recursively “matches” ones in the actual object.

// Passes
assert.match("123", {
    test: function (arg) {
        return arg == 123;

// Fails
assert.match({}, { prop: 42 });

// Passes
    name: "Chris",
    profession: "Programmer"
}, {
    name: "Chris"

// Fails
assert.match(234, {
    name: "Chris"

DOM elements

assert.match can be very helpful when asserting on DOM elements, because it allows you to compare several properties with one assertion:

var el = document.getElementById("myEl");

assert.match(el, {
    tagName: "h2",
    className: "item",
    innerHTML: "Howdy"


assert.match.exceptionMessage = "${0}";
refute.match.exceptionMessage = "${0}";

Used when the matcher function throws an exception. This happens if the matcher is not any of the accepted types, for instance, a boolean.

Message from exception thrown by matcher function.
assert.match.message = "${0} expected to match ${1}";
refute.match.message = "${0} expected not to match ${1}";
The actual object
The expected object
assert.isObject(object[, message])

Fails if object is not an object or if it is null.

assert.isObject({});             // Passes
assert.isObject(42);             // Fails
assert.isObject([1, 2, 3]);      // Passes
assert.isObject(function () {}); // Fails


assert.isObject.message = "${0} (${1}) expected to be object and not null";
refute.isObject.message = "${0} (${1}) expected not to be object and not null";
The actual object
typeof object
assert.isFunction(actual[, message])

Fails if actual is not a function.

assert.isFunction({});             // Fails
assert.isFunction(42);             // Fails
assert.isFunction(function () {}); // Passes


assert.isFunction.message = "${0} (${1}) expected to be function";
refute.isFunction.message = "${0} (${1}) expected not to be function";
The actual value
typeof actual value
assert.isTrue(actual[, message])

Fails if actual is not true.

assert.isTrue("2" == 2);  // Passes
assert.isTrue("2" === 2); // Fails


assert.isTrue.message = "Expected ${0} to be true";
refute.isTrue.message = "Expected ${0} to not be true";
The actual value
assert.isFalse(actual[, message])

Fails if actual is not false.

assert.isFalse("2" === 2); // Passes
assert.isFalse("2" == 2);  // Fails


assert.isFalse.message = "Expected ${0} to be false";
refute.isFalse.message = "Expected ${0} to not be false";
The actual value
assert.isString(actual[, message])

Fails if the type of actual is not "string".

assert.isString("2"); // Passes
assert.isString(2);   // Fails


assert.isString.message = "Expected ${0} (${1}) to be string";
refute.isString.message = "Expected ${0} not to be string";
The actual value
The type of the actual value
assert.isBoolean(actual[, message])

Fails if the type of actual is not "boolean".

assert.isBoolean(true);   // Passes
assert.isBoolean(2 < 2);  // Passes
assert.isBoolean("true"); // Fails


assert.isBoolean.message = "Expected ${0} (${1}) to be boolean";
refute.isBoolean.message = "Expected ${0} not to be boolean";
The actual value
The type of the actual value
assert.isNumber(actual[, message])

Fails if the type of actual is not "number" or is NaN.

assert.isNumber(12);   // Passes
assert.isNumber("12"); // Fails
assert.isNumber(NaN);  // Fails


assert.isNumber.message = "Expected ${0} (${1}) to be a non-NaN number";
refute.isNumber.message = "Expected ${0} to be NaN or another non-number value";
The actual value
The type of the actual value
assert.isNaN(actual[, message])

Fails if actual is not NaN. Does not perform coercion in contrast to the standard javascript function isNaN.

assert.isNaN(NaN);           // Passes
assert.isNaN("abc" / "def"); // Passes
assert.isNaN(12);            // Fails
assert.isNaN({});            // Fails, would pass for standard javascript function isNaN


assert.isNaN.message = "Expected ${0} to be NaN";
refute.isNaN.message = "Expected not to be NaN";
The actual value
assert.isArray(actual[, message])

Fails if the object type of actual is not Array.

assert.isArray([1, 2, 3]); // Passes
assert.isArray({});        // Fails


assert.isArray.message = "Expected ${0} to be array";
refute.isArray.message = "Expected ${0} not to be array";
The actual value
assert.isArrayLike(actual[, message])

Fails if none of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • the object type of actual is Array
  • actual is an arguments object
  • actual is an object providing a property length of type "number" and a property splice of type "function"
assert.isArrayLike([1, 2, 3]);                            // Passes
assert.isArrayLike(arguments);                            // Passes
assert.isArrayLike({ length: 0, splice: function() {} }); // Passes
assert.isArrayLike({});                                   // Fails


assert.isArrayLike.message = "Expected ${0} to be array like";
refute.isArrayLike.message = "Expected ${0} not to be array like";
The actual value
assert.exception(callback[, type, message])

Fails if callback does not throw an exception. If the optional type is provided, the assertion fails if the callback either does not throw an exception, or if the exception is not of the given type (determined by its name property).

// Passes
assert.exception(function () {
    throw new Error("Ooops!");

// Fails
assert.exception(function () {});

// Passes
assert.exception(function () {
    throw new TypeError("Ooops!");
}, "TypeError");

// Fails, wrong exception type
assert.exception(function () {
    throw new Error("Aww");
}, "TypeError");

// Fails
assert.exception(function () {}, "TypeError");


assert.exception.typeNoExceptionMessage = "Expected ${0} but no exception was thrown";
assert.exception.message = "Expected exception";
assert.exception.typeFailMessage = "Expected ${0} but threw ${1}, (${2})";
The expected exception type (if provided)
The type of exception thrown (if any)
The exception message
refute.exception.message = "Expected not to throw but threw ${0}, (${1})";
The type of exception thrown (if any)
The exception message
assert.near(actual, expected, delta[, message])

Fails if the difference between actual and expected is greater than delta.

assert.near(10.3, 10, 0.5); // Passes
assert.near(10.5, 10, 0.5); // Passes
assert.near(10.6, 10, 0.5); // Fails


assert.near.message = "Expected ${0} to be equal to ${1} +/- ${2}";
refute.near.message = "Expected ${0} not to be equal to ${1} +/- ${2}";
The actual value
The expected value
The delta value
assert.hasPrototype(actual, prototype[, message])

Fails if prototype does not exist in the prototype chain of actual.

assert.hasPrototype(function() {}, Function.prototype); // Passes
assert.hasPrototype(function() {}, Object.prototype);   // Passes
assert.hasPrototype({}, Function.prototype);            // Fails


assert.hasPrototype.message = "Expected ${0} to have ${1} on its prototype chain";
refute.hasPrototype.message = "Expected ${0} not to have ${1} on its prototype chain";
The actual object
The prototype object
assert.contains(haystack, needle[, message])

Fails if the array like object haystack does not contain the needle object.

assert.contains([1, 2, 3], 2);   // Passes
assert.contains([1, 2, 3], 4);   // Fails
assert.contains([1, 2, 3], "2"); // Fails


assert.contains.message = "Expected [${0}] to contain ${1}";
refute.contains.message = "Expected [${0}] not to contain ${1}";
The haystack object
The needle object
assert.tagName(element, tagName[, message])

Fails if the element either does not specify a tagName property, or if its value is not a case-insensitive match with the expected tagName. Works with any object.

assert.tagName(document.createElement("p"), "p"); // Passes
assert.tagName(document.createElement("h2"), "H2"); // Passes
assert.tagName(document.createElement("p"), "li");  // Fails


assert.tagName.noTagNameMessage = "Expected ${1} to have tagName property";
assert.tagName.message = "Expected tagName to be ${0} but was ${1}";
refute.tagName.noTagNameMessage = "Expected ${1} to have tagName property";
The expected tagName
If the object does not have a tagName property, this is the object. Otherwise, it is the value of object.tagName.
assert.className(element, className[, message])

Fails if the element either does not specify a className property, or if its value is not a space-separated list of all class names in classNames.

classNames can be either a space-delimited string or an array of class names. Every class specified by classNames must be found in the object’s className property for the assertion to pass, but order does not matter.

var el = document.createElement("p");
el.className = "feed item blog-post";

assert.className(el, "item");           // Passes
assert.className(el, "news");           // Fails
assert.className(el, "blog-post feed"); // Passes
assert.className(el, "feed items");     // Fails, "items" is not a match
assert.className(el, ["item", "feed"]); // Passes


assert.className.noClassNameMessage = "Expected object to have className property";
assert.className.message = "Expected object's className to include ${0} but was ${1}";
refute.className.noClassNameMessage = "Expected object to have className property";
refute.className.message = "Expected object's className to not include ${0} but was ${1}";
The expected classNames
The value of the object’s className property, if any. Otherwise, the object itself.

Custom assertions

Custom, domain-specific assertions helps improve clarity and reveal intent in tests. They also facilitate much better feedback when they fail. You can add custom assertions that behave exactly like the built-in ones (i.e. with counting, message formatting, expectations and more) by using the add() method.

Overriding assertion messages

The default assertion messages can be overridden. The properties to overwrite are listed with each assertion along with the arguments the string is fed. Here’s an example of providing a new assertion failure message for assert.equals():

var assert = buster.assertions.assert;
assert.equals.message = "I wanted ${0} == ${1}!"

try {
    assert.equals(3, 4);
} catch (e) {

// Prints:
// "I wanted 3 == 4!"


buster.assertions is an Event emitter. Listen to events with on:

buster.assertions.on("failure", function (err) {

pass event


"pass", function () {}

Assertion passed. The callback is invoked with the assertion name, e.g. "equals", as its only argument. Note that this event is also emitted when refutations pass.

failure event


"failure", function (error) {}

Assertion failed. The callback is invoked with an AssertionError() object.

Stubs and spies

The default Buster.JS bundle comes with built-in spies, stubs and mocks provided by Sinon.JS. The assertions are indisposable when working with spies and stubs. However, note that these assertions are technically provided by the integration package buster-sinon, not buster-assertions. This only matters if you use this package stand-alone.

As for the normal assertions, the assertions for stubs and spies can be used with assert and refute. The description is for assert, but the corresponding failure messages for refute are also mentioned. For refute the behaviour is exactly opposed.



Fails if the spy has never been called.

var spy = this.spy();

assert.called(spy); // Fails

assert.called(spy); // Passes

assert.called(spy); // Passes


assert.called.message = "Expected ${0} to be called at least once but was never called";
The spy
refute.called.message = "Expected ${0} to not be called but was called ${1}${2}";
The spy
The number of calls as a string. Ex: “two times”.
All calls formatted as a multi-line string.
assert.callOrder(spy, spy2, ...)

Fails if the spies were not called in the specified order.

var spy1 = this.spy();
var spy2 = this.spy();
var spy3 = this.spy();


assert.callOrder(spy1, spy3, spy2); // Fails
assert.callOrder(spy1, spy2, spy3); // Passes


assert.callOrder.message = "Expected ${expected} to be called in order but were called as ${actual}";
refute.callOrder.message = "Expected ${expected} not to be called in order";
A string representation of the expected call order
A string representation of the actual call order

Fails if the spy has never been called or if it was called more than once.

var spy = this.spy();

assert.calledOnce(spy); // Fails

assert.calledOnce(spy); // Passes

assert.calledOnce(spy); // Fails


assert.calledOnce.message = "Expected ${0} to be called once but was called ${1}${2}";
refute.calledOnce.message = "Expected ${0} to not be called exactly once${2}";
The spy
The number of calls, as a string. Ex: “two times”
The call log. All calls as a string. Each line is one call and includes passed arguments, returned value and more.

Only passes if the spy was called exactly two times.

var spy = this.spy();

assert.calledTwice(spy); // Fails

assert.calledTwice(spy); // Fails

assert.calledTwice(spy); // Passes

assert.calledTwice(spy); // Fails


assert.calledTwice.message = "Expected ${0} to be called twice but was called ${1}${2}";
refute.calledTwice.message = "Expected ${0} to not be called exactly twice${2}";
The spy
The number of calls, as a string. Ex: “two times”
The call log. All calls as a string. Each line is one call and includes passed arguments, returned value and more.

Only passes if the spy has been called exactly three times.

var spy = this.spy();

assert.calledThrice(spy); // Fails

assert.calledThrice(spy); // Fails

assert.calledThrice(spy); // Passes

assert.calledThrice(spy); // Fails


assert.calledThrice.message = "Expected ${0} to be called thrice but was called ${1}${2}";
refute.calledThrice.message = "Expected ${0} to not be called exactly thrice${2}";
The spy
The number of calls, as a string. Ex: “two times”
The call log. All calls as a string. Each line is one call and includes passed arguments, returned value and more.
assert.calledOn(spy, obj)

Passes if the spy was called at least once with obj as its this value.

var spy = this.spy();
var obj1 = {};
var obj2 = {};
var obj3 = {};


assert.calledOn(spy, obj1); // Fails
assert.calledOn(spy, obj2); // Passes
assert.calledOn(spy, obj3); // Passes


assert.calledOn.message = "Expected ${0} to be called with ${1} as this but was called on ${2}";
refute.calledOn.message = "Expected ${0} not to be called with ${1} as this";
The spy
The object obj which is expected to have been this at least once
List of objects which actually have been this
assert.alwaysCalledOn(spy, obj)

Passes if the spy was always called with obj as its this value.

var spy1 = this.spy();
var spy2 = this.spy();
var obj1 = {};
var obj2 = {};



assert.alwaysCalledOn(spy1, obj1); // Fails
assert.alwaysCalledOn(spy1, obj2); // Fails
assert.alwaysCalledOn(spy2, obj1); // Fails
assert.alwaysCalledOn(spy2, obj2); // Passes


assert.alwaysCalledOn.message = "Expected ${0} to always be called with ${1} as this but was called on ${2}";
refute.alwaysCalledOn.message = "Expected ${0} not to always be called with ${1} as this";
The spy
The object obj which is expected always to have been this
List of objects which actually have been this
assert.calledWith(spy, arg1, arg2, ...)

Passes if the spy was called at least once with the specified arguments. Other arguments may have been passed after the specified ones.

var spy = this.spy();
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
spy(42, 13);
spy("Hey", arr, 2);

assert.calledWith(spy, 12);         // Passes
assert.calledWith(spy, "Hey");      // Passes
assert.calledWith(spy, "Hey", 12);  // Fails
assert.calledWith(spy, "Hey", arr); // Passes


assert.calledWith.message = "Expected ${0} to be called with arguments ${1}${2}";
refute.calledWith.message = "Expected ${0} not to be called with arguments ${1}${2}";
The spy
The expected arguments
String representation of all calls.
assert.alwaysCalledWith(spy, arg1, arg2, ...)

Passes if the spy was always called with the specified arguments. Other arguments may have been passed after the specified ones.

var spy = this.spy();
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
spy("Hey", arr, 12);
spy("Hey", arr, 13);

assert.alwaysCalledWith(spy, "Hey");          // Passes
assert.alwaysCalledWith(spy, "Hey", arr);     // Passes
assert.alwaysCalledWith(spy, "Hey", arr, 12); // Fails


assert.alwaysCalledWith.message = "Expected ${0} to always be called with arguments ${1}${2}";
refute.alwaysCalledWith.message = "Expected ${0} not to always be called with arguments${1}${2}";
The spy
The expected arguments
String representation of all calls.
assert.calledOnceWith(spy, arg1, arg2, ...)

Passes if the spy was called exactly once and with the specified arguments. Other arguments may have been passed after the specified ones.

var spy = this.spy();
var arr = [1, 2, 3];

assert.calledOnceWith(spy, 12);     // Passes
assert.calledOnceWith(spy, 42);     // Fails

spy(42, 13);
assert.calledOnceWith(spy, 42, 13); // Fails


assert.calledOnceWith.message = "Expected ${0} to be called once with arguments ${1}${2}";
refute.calledOnceWith.message = "Expected ${0} not to be called once with arguments ${1}${2}";
The spy
The expected arguments
String representation of all calls.
assert.calledWithExactly(spy, arg1, arg2, ...)

Passes if the spy was called at least once with exact the arguments specified.

var spy = this.spy();
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
spy("Hey", arr, 12);
spy("Hey", arr, 13);

assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr, 12); // Passes
assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr, 13); // Passes
assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr);     // Fails
assert.calledWithExactly(spy, "Hey");          // Fails


assert.calledWithExactly.message = "Expected ${0} to be called with exact arguments ${1}${2}";
refute.calledWithExactly.message = "Expected ${0} not to be called with exact arguments${1}${2}";
The spy
The expected arguments
String representation of all calls.
assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(spy, arg1, arg2, ...)

Passes if the spy was always called with exact the arguments specified.

var spy = this.spy();
var arr = [1, 2, 3];
spy("Hey", arr, 12);

assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr, 12); // Passes
assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr);     // Fails
assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(spy, "Hey");          // Fails

spy("Hey", arr, 13);
assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly(spy, "Hey", arr, 12); // Fails


assert.alwaysCalledWithExactly.message = "Expected ${0} to always be called with exact arguments ${1}${2}";
refute.alwaysCalledWithExactly.message = "Expected ${0} not to always be called with exact arguments${1}${2}";
The spy
The expected arguments
String representation of all calls.
assert.threw(spy[, exception])

Passes if the spy threw at least once the specified exception. The exception can be a string denoting its type, or an actual object. If exception is not specified, the assertion passes if the spy ever threw any exception.

var exception1 = new TypeError();
var exception2 = new TypeError();
var exception3 = new TypeError();
var spy = this.spy(function(exception) {
    throw exception;
function callAndCatchException(spy, exception) {
    try {
    } catch(e) {

callAndCatchException(spy, exception1);
callAndCatchException(spy, exception2);

assert.threw(spy);              // Passes
assert.threw(spy, "TypeError"); // Passes
assert.threw(spy, exception1);  // Passes
assert.threw(spy, exception2);  // Passes
assert.threw(spy, exception3);  // Fails

callAndCatchException(spy, exception3);
assert.threw(spy, exception3);  // Passes


assert.threw.message = "Expected ${0} to throw an exception${1}";
refute.threw.message = "Expected ${0} not to throw an exception${1}";
The spy
The expected exception
assert.alwaysThrew(spy[, exception])

Passes if the spy always threw the specified exception. The exception can be a string denoting its type, or an actual object. If exception is not specified, the assertion passes if the spy ever threw any exception.

var exception1 = new TypeError();
var exception2 = new TypeError();
var spy = this.spy(function(exception) {
    throw exception;
function callAndCatchException(spy, exception) {
    try {
    } catch(e) {

callAndCatchException(spy, exception1);

assert.alwaysThrew(spy);              // Passes
assert.alwaysThrew(spy, "TypeError"); // Passes
assert.alwaysThrew(spy, exception1);  // Passes

callAndCatchException(spy, exception2);
assert.alwaysThrew(spy);              // Passes
assert.alwaysThrew(spy, "TypeError"); // Passes
assert.alwaysThrew(spy, exception1);  // Fails


assert.alwaysThrew.message = "Expected ${0} to always throw an exception${1}";
refute.alwaysThrew.message = "Expected ${0} not to always throw an exception${1}";
The spy
The expected exception


All of buster-assertion’s assertions and refutations are also exposed as “expectations”. Expectations is just a slightly different front-end to the same functionality, often preferred by the BDD inclined.

Expectations mirror assertions under different names. Refutations can be expressed using expect(obj).not and then calling either of the expectations on the resulting object.

var expect = buster.assertions.expect;

expect({ id: 42 }).toBeObject(); // Passes
expect("Somewhere in here").toMatch("in"); // Passes
expect(42).not.toEqual(43); // Passes

See same()


See equals()


See greater()


See less()


See defined()


See isNull()


See match()


See isObject()


See isFunction()


See isTrue()


See isFalse()


See isString()


See isBoolean()


See isNumber()


See isNaN()


See isArray()


See isArrayLike()


See exception()

expect(actual).toBeNear(expected, delta)

See near()


See hasPrototype()


See contains()


See tagName()


See className()


See called()


See calledOnce()


See calledTwice()


See calledThrice()

expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(arg1, arg2, ...)

See calledWith()

expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith(arg1, arg2, ...)

See calledOnceWith()



When an assertion fails, it calls assertions.fail() with the failure message as the only argument. The built-in fail function both throws an AssertionError() and emits it to the failure event. The error can be caught and handled by the test runner. If this behavior is not suitable for your testing framework of choice, you can override assertions.fail() to make it do the right thing.

Example: To use buster-assertions with JsTestDriver, you can simply configure it as follows:

buster.assertions.fail = function (message) {

Where the global fail function is the one provided by JsTestDriver.

It is possible to make the default assert.fail method only emit an event and not throw an error. This may be suitable in asynchronous test runners, where you might not be able to catch exceptions. To silence exceptions, see the throwOnFailure property.


Values inserted into assertion messages using the ${n} switches are formatted using assertions.format(). By default this method simply coerces the object to a string.

A more expressive option is to use buster-format, which is a generic function for formatting objects nicely as ASCII. For nice ASCII formatting of objects (including DOM elements) do:

buster.assertions.format = buster.format.ascii;
buster.assertions.add(name, options)

Add a custom assertion. Using this ‘macro’ to add project specific assertions has a few advantages:

  • Assertions will be counted.
  • Failure messages will have interpolated arguments formatted by assertions.format().
  • A single function generates both an assertion and a refutation.
  • If using expectations, an expectation can easily be generated as well.
  • When `failOnNoAssertions <#failOnNoAssertions>`_ is set to true, the assertion will behave correctly (may be important for asynchronous tests).
  • The assertion will fail if too few arguments are passed.

Here’s an example of adding a “foo” assertion, that only passes when its only argument is the string “foo”:

var assert = buster.assertions.assert;
var refute = buster.assertions.refute;
var expect = buster.assertions.expect;

buster.assertions.add("isFoo", {
    assert: function (actual) {
        return actual == "foo";
    assertMessage: "Expected ${0} to be foo!",
    refuteMessage: "Expected not to be foo!",
    expectation: "toBeFoo"

// Now you can do:
// Passes

// Fails: "[assert.isFoo] Expected { id: 42 } to be foo!"
assert.isFoo({ id: 42 });

// Fails: "[refute.isFoo] Expected not to be foo!"

// Passes

// To support custom messages, do this:
buster.assertions.add("isFoo", {
    assert: function (actual) {
        return actual == "foo";
    assertMessage: "${1}Expected ${0} to be foo!",
    refuteMessage: "${1}Expected not to be foo!",
    expectation: "toBeFoo",
    values: function (thing, message) {
        return [thing, message ? message + " " : ""];

// Fails: "[assert.isFoo] Ouch: Expected { id: 42 } to be foo!"
assert.isFoo({ id: 42 }, "Ouch");

Error message value interpolation

Arguments are available in assertion failure messages using the "${n}" switches, where n is a number. You can also use named variables by setting properties on this in the assertion/refutation function:

buster.assertions.add("isString", {
    assert: function (actual) {
        this.actualType = typeof actual;
        return this.actualType == "string";
    assertMessage: "Expected ${0} (${actualType}) to be string",
    refuteMessage: "Expected not to be string",
    expectation: "toBeString"


The name of the new assertion/refutation.



The verification function. Should return true when the assertion passes. The generated refutation will pass when the function returns false.

In some cases the refutation may not be the exact opposite of the assertion. If that is the case you should provide options.refute for the custom refutation.

The number of formal parameters the function accepts determines the number of required arguments to the function. If the assertion is called with less arguments than expected, Buster will fail it before your custom function is even called.

All arguments are available for interpolation into the resulting error message. The first argument will be available as "${0}", the second as "${1}" and so on. If you want to embed other values than exact arguments into the string, you can set properties on this in the custom assertion, and refer to them as "${name}" in the message.


Custom refutation function. Used over !assert() if provided.


The error message to use when the assertion fails. The message may refer to arguments through switches like "${0}" and so on (see above, under the assert argument). The message is exposed on the generated assertion as the property assert.[name].message.


Like assertFail, but for refutations. Exposed as refute.[name].message.


A function that maps values to be interpolated into the failure messages. This can be used when you need something more/else than the actual arguments in order.


The name of the assertion as an expectation, e.g. “toBeSomething”. Optional.

Supporting utilities


Returns true if the object is a DOM node. The check is made by attempting to call appendChild on it, passing in an element.


Returns true if the object is a DOM element. The check is made by calling buster.isNode() and asserting that the element’s nodeType is 1 (i.e. element).


Returns true if the argument is an arguments object. Buster checks this by making sure the object is array-like, but not actually an array.

function check() {
    buster.isArguments(arguments); // true

buster.isArguments([]); // false

Cross-browser implementation of Object.keys. From MDN:

returns an array whose elements are strings corresponding to the
enumerable properties found directly upon object. The ordering of the
properties is the same as that given by looping over the properties of
the object manually.



Number increasing from 0.

buster.assertions.count is incremented anytime an assertion is called. The assertion counter can be reset to any number at your convenience.



When using the default assertions.fail() implementation, this property can be set to false to make assertion failures not throw exceptions (i.e. only emit events). This may be suitable in asynchronous test runners, where you might not be able to catch exceptions.

Supporting objects

class AssertionError()

An exception (specifically, an Error object) whose name property is "AssertionError".